Our Baby

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007


OK, so I just had about the best day ever! First of all, when I woke up this morning, I checked online to see my test score for one of my really hard classes, and I got an 94%. How great is that? And then, I was feeling really sick and kinda down and my good friend called me asking me if I wanted a pumpkin. It was a big surprise and totally random, so it made me happy, especially when she brought it over. We used markers to decorate them (they weren't the carveable kind) and they were so cute! Then, I went to class and it was pretty discouraging, but when I got home, I said a prayer, felt much better, and got to studying. I studied ALL THE REST OF THAT DAY, getting really discouraged because of the test I had to take later on. I took a dinner break and checked the mail and guess what?! My sari came! It was so exciting, I came home right away and tried it on. I couldn't get it on right, cause I'm not Indian, obviously, but it was still pretty. Well, that cheered me up and I went back to studying, the whole time retaining a lot of information that I don't think I could have kept without the help of the Lord. Then I went to take the test. I felt like I flew through it and knew that answer to almost every question. When I got out of the testing room, the scanner was broken, so I didn't get to see my score right away, but I checked just now online and I got a 95%. How awesome is that? I seriously feel so blessed and grateful. It's been a great day.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

what a crazy day! sounds like it had its ups and downs but turned out great!!